My journey towards social work and counselling is largely due to my own life transformations. As someone who has been in the position of a counselling client, I know what has been instrumental for me in helping move through the most challenging times in my own life. Building trust, suspending judgement, and remaining curious has been an important part of my work as a social worker, and I am excited to bring these skills into serving people in a therapeutic capacity.

I have work experience with children and families, grief and loss, addictions, depression and anxiety, body and issues and disordered eating, trauma, and the criminal justice system. I am passionate about social justice, and I practice from a feminist perspective.

My approach is trauma-informed and client centered. I believe that everyone brings strengths to the table and look forward to helping people discover and nurture those strengths. Attachment theory and internal family systems are instrumental in my work, and I am looking forward to this new journey of building connections and finding solutions with you.

The life that led me here includes close to 15 years of being a personal trainer. Wellness has evolved for me into something less about fitting into what society tells me I should look like, and more about honouring my body and what it needs. I practice a sober lifestyle and have been for over 15 years. In my down time, I still enjoy the gym, and am an ice cream connoisseur. I practice meditation daily, and like to read, paint, and watch movies.

My journey towards social work and counselling is largely due to my own life transformations. As ... Read More

(She/Her/Hers) BACYC, CPC

(She/Her/Hers) BACYC, CPC Read More

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Expression Wellness Group
Located at: 33765 Essendene Ave, Unit B112, Abbotsford
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